This is Alexandre Oliva's personal
blog, that does not necessarily represent the opinions held
by FSFLA, FSF, AdaCore or any other organization the author may be or
may have been associated with, or even by myself, as of now or ever.
See also my home page, where I share
my speeches, and follow me on the
Fediverse, where I post other
I'm also lxo in the GNU Jami P2P network and on
IRC (,,, and I have a Tox
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be held by Alexandre Oliva.
Copyright 2007-2025 Alexandre Oliva
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
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The following licensing terms also apply to all documents and postings
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that contain a notice equivalent to the one above, and whose copyright
can be reasonably assumed to be held by Alexandre Oliva.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons License BY-SA
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